Have you ever thought that convenience actually makes little kids dumber?
British researchers confirm what Traditional Chinese Medicine has already known for thousands of years: Good nutrition during the first 3 years of life promotes brain development and is therefore crucial for later intelligence!
In a 2010 study, British researchers published the result of a long-term study that tracked the eating habits of 4,000 children.
Eating habits from the earliest childhood have an impact on the brain and behavior of your child and last until later in life, even if the diet later changes for the better.
“Processed foods make children less intelligent.”
However, if children are fed a vitamin and nutrient-rich diet up to the age of 3, it will optimally promote optimal brain development.
In contrast, the consumption of processed foods, which contain a lot of sugar, fat and unhealthy carbohydrates, affects brain development and leads to lower intelligence in later life.
You can find a link to the study here. https://jech.bmj.com/content/66/7/624
This is how the food industry blinds you
Every mother and every father only wants the best for their child. I honestly believe that.
But, 21st century media inundates us every day with good advice and contradictory recommendations on how to properly feed your child.
Many parents are unsure and let their trust in the food industry blind them. Or they trust their pediatrician and receive incorrect advice.
Because I want to emphasize one thing very clearly here:
The majority of information about baby nutrition is influenced by the manufacturers of processed baby food.
Even pediatricians usually have little idea about nutrition. It’s simply not the focus and purpose of their training in relation to Western medicine.
Just like pharmaceutical companies, baby food manufacturers try to reach the end user through their doctors.
So, at the last check-up, my pediatrician gave me a pretty bag filled with formula samples.
What kind of message does that send?
That the doctor thinks it's good that you feed your child powdered cow's milk with palm oil, sugar, artificial banana flavor and all sorts of other chemicals that are difficult to pronounce.
And because it is so easy to dissolve powder in hot water, infants end up literally being knocked out by all the chemicals they have to suddenly digest in formula. This means they sleep for long periods of time and you don't have to wean your baby, so we continue to feed formula for the first year and beyond.
I really don't want to step on anyone's toes here.
I am also a mom to a 4-year old who has had massive sleep problems in the past.
I know all too well what a great challenge it can be to cope with everyday life with a baby and then “produce” nutritious meals every day.
However, I can assure you that it doesn't have to be that much of a challenge.
5 reasons why a TCM diet is best for your baby
1. Packed full of vitamins and nutrients a baby needs for optimal development
TCM food is cooked from scratch and food should largely come from organic agriculture and be selected seasonally.
Food is turned into preserves by freezing it and microwaves are a no-go.
Because of this and through special cooking techniques that are easy to implement, the food is packed with Qi, i.e. vitamins, minerals, trace elements, proteins, as well as high-quality carbohydrates and fats.
2. The development of the digestive system is optimally supported
Your baby's digestive organs are not yet fully developed and are very weak.
If the wrong food is fed, the development is not only slowed down but even negatively influenced.
Diseases that are often dismissed as "typical baby diseases" can often be directly attributed to a weakened digestive system and an associated immune deficiency.
The 5 Element Diet recommends foods that are beneficial for your child’s digestive system and do not harm it.
These foods are easily digestible for babies, non-allergenic and non-inflammatory.
3. The power of the food is utilized
Foods and herbs have medicinal properties that can be used to prevent diseases.
The 5 Element Diet makes use of these properties.
Food is selected and combined individually for your child in order to optimally support or balance their constitution.
This also prevents diseases that your child would be susceptible to due to their constitution.
4. Nutritional awareness is shaped
Eating habits become established in childhood.
If you get your child used to fresh, high-quality food and self-prepared dishes with their natural taste from an early age, they develop a nutritional awareness that will shape them for the rest of their lives.
Dietary errors usually begin in childhood and can negatively affect our health for the rest of our lives.
Over the years I have encountered so many people with health problems in my practice and I dare to say that 80% of them are based on a weakened or even non-functional digestive system.
It is therefore a matter close to my heart to give our little ones an optimal start in life.
5. TCM nutrition is absolutely simple and suitable for everyday use
At first glance, this may sound incredibly complicated and time-consuming for you.
Let me assure you that it is ABSOLUTELY NOT!
The preparation of "formula", baby food and simple dishes for toddlers is really easy and done in no time.
There are hardly any days that I spend more than 30 minutes cooking.
How is it possible?
With a few tricks and good time management, following the TCM diet will be easy.
At the same time, I want to be honest with you. Of course, it is more work than dissolving powder in warm water or opening a jar of processed baby food and putting it in the microwave.
But the additional effort is definitely and absolutely worth it.
Remember that this extra effort is a gift your child will be able to enjoy for the rest of their life.
My Final Thoughts
The 5 element diet is a simple and modern implementation of nutritional theory according to TCM.
In my consultations, you will receive a plan tailored to you and your baby for a stress-free start with solid food, valuable tips for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, how the switch to eating at the family table works, or how to raise your baby as a vegetarian.
Above all these, it is very important to me that nutrition is suitable for your daily routine, because in my opinion, healthy nutrition must be SIMPLE!
If you are wondering if you have offered your child the best possible source of nutrition in its first 3 years or if its health problems might be linked to a lack in those early years, then let me help you!
Go ahead and take my free Pediatric Body Balance Assessment to get more clarity on your childs unlocking Balance Archetype. In a few minutes, you’ll have an overview of your child’s current health condition as well as a beautiful pdf guide to help explain the results and give you 3 practical steps to start your child's healing journey today.