Holistically Heal Your Child

Dr. Erika Gray

Understand Your Child's DNA, Understand Your Child

Speaker Bio

Dr. Erika Gray is the co-founder and CMO at ToolBox Genomics and MyToolBox Genomics. ⁣As a pharmacist having had years of experience in both alternative and allopathic medicine, Dr. Erika is passionate about integrating the two modalities of to inspire people to live healthier lives.⁣ ⁣ She believes that helping people understand who they are from their genes outward will help provide them with the tools to understand how they interact with their environment and the role this interaction has with their health.⁣

Key Points About Our Chat

  • Understanding the 7 modulators of epigenetics, what they are and why they are important
  • Difference between DNA & epigenetics and how we can turn genes on and off
  • Why children may be resilient, but their DNA may still be turned on in ways we don't want
  • How stress affects our kids DNA
  • What every parent should know about their child's genetic blueprint
  • Dr. Erika's most important action step to get your child finally started on it's healing journey

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