Holistically Heal Your Child

Open Your Inbox to find Your Login Details

Open your email account to find an email containing your login details. You will receive an email within 24 hours of your purchase which contains your login details to the membership site. If it's not there, check your spam and promo folder and if it's not there either something went wrong!

Please contact customer support help@bettinagrosshealing.com.

PLEASE NOTE: The summit will run from October 3rd to October 16th and you will be able to access ALL the interviews after the event completes.

Join the SUMMIT Facebook Group

Click here to join the Holistically Heal Your Child FB Group!

Safelist My Email

I will be delivering some surprise goodies to your inbox in the next few days, so be sure to safelist my help@bettinagrosshealing.com email address so that you don't miss anything. 

Copyright 2022 Bettina Gross, all rights reserved.
