
To the Parent Who Knows That Your Child Deserves the Best, Healthiest Future:

Heal Your Child’s Gut in just 60 days and watch them get healthier by the day as their symptoms melt away.

Let Me Make It As Easy As "Taking A Pill" For You! 

Little Gut Reset

  • Rebuild Your Child's Gut
  • Reset Your Child's Microbiome
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • ...AND Get Your Child Not Just On-Board BUT Excited To Participate In Their Healing Journey!



I get it. Navigating the complexities of your child's holistic healing journey is overwhelming, time consuming and costly. Especially if you are constantly searching for the right remedy, the right practitioner, the right strategy to ease their suffering, right? But nevertheless, ...

... you want the best for your child won’t you?

Because deep down you know...

Conventional Medicine Is Just A Temporary Fix, Covering Up Symptoms, A Band Aid So To Speak!

What’s even worse is that the medications come with many side effects, eventually setting them up for a life-time of health issues.

Maybe you've even started questioning the effectiveness of all your efforts...

Because very time you get excited and motivated after spending hours of research and listening to different health experts online you think that now finally you’ve found the solution. Just to be disappointed by the lack of results a few weeks later.

It can be so easy to beat yourself up and even start questioning your parenting skills. I can’t tell you how many of my clients came to me admitting that they thought that they were a bad mom.

I Get It And It's NOT Your Fault!

That’s not something they prepare you for in a parenting class or elsewhere…

I know, the journey to understanding and addressing your child's health can feel like an uphill battle.

From navigating the healthcare system to deciphering conflicting information online...

Is it dietary factors, environmental toxins, or underlying health conditions? The possibilities may seem ENDLESS, adding to your sense of overwhelm and confusion.



Ignoring or neglecting the root cause of your child's health concerns can have serious consequences for their overall well-being and quality of life.

Studies have shown that untreated gut health issues can lead to a cascade of health problems, impacting everything from digestion and immunity to mood, cognitive function and meeting their milestones. Without intervention, your child may continue to suffer needlessly, and their long-term health outcomes may be compromised.

But Here's The Silver Lining!

You hold the key to steering your child's health journey in a positive direction. By uncovering the root cause and eliminating triggers, you'll pave the way for their brighter, healthier future by...

...Nurturing and Healing Your Child's Gut!

The Truth Is

There is a science to resolving your child’s health complaints holistically, AND anyone can learn it!

Uncovering and removing the root cause responsible for your child’s health issues is the most effective and fastest way to resolving your child’s health problems!


When parents don't witness improvement in their child's symptoms through a holistic approach, they tend to overcompensate. They try too much at the same time, without or the wrong focus and they get overwhelmed.

Does this sound familiar? 

They are constantly rotating to get more and more remedies, supplements, superfoods into their child or the pressure of having to try more, do more is leaving them completely overwhelmed.

They get stuck spinning in the busy bubble, NOT moving anywhere with their child’s healing.

Or worse! Mistake #2...

When parents believe if they’d just find the right medication, the right supplement or if they just cut down on certain foods, their child’s symptoms will go away. But really following this approach is like trying to save a house on fire with a glass of water.


Throwing remedies at the symptoms doesn't work! You need a simple and proven process that helps you to find the root cause, eliminate it and put back in what's missing.

Once you've addressed the root cause, eliminated triggers, and made space for self-healing, integrating suitable supplements and remedies will catalyze the process; you’ve set the stage for true healing and balance in your child's body.

Well...you might be wondering...What do my child's health problems have to do with GUT HEALTH? I'm telling you EVERYTHING! But let me explain.

I like to think of the body like a bucket.

We're all born with an empty metaphorical bucket, and the key through life is to keep that bucket as empty as possible.

Unfortunately, inflammatory substances like toxins, bacteria, pesticides, meds, poor diet, all add to the bucket over time.

When our bucket gets too full of inflammation, it overflows into our body, allowing inflammation to spread.

And that's why symptoms begin to show...

That is what is happening with many children who have health concerns.

Their bucket is overflowing with inflammation and it's exacerbating symptoms.

The World Health Organization ranks chronic inflammatory disease as the greatest threat to huma health!

So, how do we empty your child's inflammation Bucket? 

We reduce inflammation by first removing the foods that inflame the body, the brain, and the gut. Removing these will start reducing inflammation in your child's body. Diet is the foundation of everything and diet works.

  1. 1
    A study conducted in 2011 concluded that 64% of children diagnosed with ADHD are actually experiencing a hypersensitivity to food. That is a high percentage!
  2. 2
    In 2023 a study concluded that 60% of children on the autism spectrum greatly benefit from a therapeutic diet leading to the improvement of their attention, cognition, language/communication and overall health as well as to the reduction of symptoms such as irritability, hyperactivity, aggression/agitation, anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, and more.
  3. 3

    In 2022, a study showed that food allergies affect 30% of children with moderate to severe eczema. In similar studies this percentage has shown to be even higher.

  4. 4

    In 2021 a study was released stating that high amount of glucose leads to the impaired function of the immune system and causes pathological conditions related to that.

  5. 5
    And in 2017, a study concluded that the addition of micronutrients in the diet improved overall function, reduced impairments and improved attention, emotional regulation, and aggression.

**And these are just a few of the many studies supporting dietary changes to reduce various symptoms.

A successful holistic healing journey is like a road trip: 

it starts somewhere, ...


...and you mark progress with stops along the way!

You see, there is a ROADMAP to holistic healing. And this roadmap consists of 6 milestones... or PHASES. And if you’re missing even just one stage, you run the risk of moving in “Circles”.

So, just like a classic riddle:

“How does a journey of a thousand miles begin? A: With a single step.”

We can ask a similar question:

What's the roadmap to your child's healing Journey?



There is also a specific ORDER to each of those phases. PLUS... each phase must be implemented the right way!

So, what if you had a set of step-by-step instructions for each of those phases? Imagine if you could follow these steps with paint-by-numbers precision and simplicity... EVEN if you’ve never used holistic healing tools before in your life!

No more overwhelm!

No more wondering if it will work!

No more wasting time or money!

Imagine This For A Moment...

..that you had a step-by-step process for implementing EACH of your essential 6 holistic healing milestones…

...imagine you could take your time and had 1 week or more for each phase…

...You would have completed your child’s HEALING JOURNEY in just 8 weeks from RIGHT NOW!

And you with that... continue imagining!

... your child not missing a day of school due to their health concerns.

... teachers and caregivers marveling at their progress and acknowledging noticeable improvements.

... your child freely engaging in play with siblings and friends, unrestricted by health concerns.

... enjoying the same foods as everyone else at birthday parties and family gatherings.

... your child feeling included and not singled out due to differences from their peers.

... no longer arranging your entire schedule around your child's symptoms.

... their symptoms... GONE!

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer. Because... it’s here.


6-Step HEAL! Method

The Step-By-Step, Gut Health Centered System for Holistically Healing Your Child Once and for all...

without feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Detailed Training that Guides You Through the Process of Uncovering and Removing the Root Cause for Your Child’s Health Concerns, Liberating them from their Symptoms.

6-CORE Modules Covering the Complete 6-Step HEAL! Method, Designed to Transform your Child’s Body into a Self-Healing Oasis, Allowing them to Reach their Fullest Potential.

8 Weeks of Group Coaching to Get the Personalized Support, Clarity, and Answers You Need for Your Child’s Unique Healing Journey.

Powerful Tools to Ensure your Child is Not Only On Board BUT Excited to be Part of their Healing Journey, Even if their Diet is Currently Limited to a Small List of Foods.

...because your child (you and your family) deserve the best!

That's right, LITTLE Gut Reset get's you real results through 3 pillars:


When you join LITTLE Gut Reset, you'll get lifetime access to theLITTLE Gut Reset private member's portal where you will learn how to move seamlessly through the following steps, experiencing real, visible progress every step of the way.

Step 1 - Understanding

You already know that a house needs to be built from the bottom up and understanding all of the factors that are influencing your child’s health really is the foundation of your child’s healing process.

That's why in LITTLE Gut Reset we kick off the program with a deep dive into gut health and an easy self assessment so you know how full your child’s inflammation bucket really is. Then we introduce you to a simple process that makes it super easy for you to start seeing connections between food, digestive function and symptoms without second guessing them.

Step 2 - Identifying

Most parents think that if they just try more, do more their child’s symptoms will eventually go away…wrong.

In LITTLE Gut Reset you are going to learn a proven step-by-step method for identifying the root cause of your child’s health issues so that you know exactly where to focus your efforts and not get burned out in the process.

Step 3 - Remove

I don't have to tell you that KNOWING and DOING...they aren't the same thing.

And the truth is that you, like other moms who struggle with implementation and consistency will stay stuck, spinning your wheels, hopping from remedy to

remedy, or expert to expert, sure that you just need to learn a little more.

It's self-sabotage at its finest.

The problem is, you can't expect change if everything stays the same.And these root cause triggers aren’t going to remove themselves.

Through a powerful process and coaching inside LITTLE Gut Reset, I'm going to help you not only uncover these triggers but get rid of them for good. With as little effort as possible.

Step 4 - Release

If you want to avoid plateauing, you'll need to address detox pathways throughout your child’s healing journey.

That may seem complex, and honestly that's what most practitioners want you to believe.

But I'm not that type of health practitioner, which is why inside LITTLE Gut Reset l've simplified detoxing your child into a 7-Day Kiddy Detox that allows you to alleviate toxin-induced blockages and make your own adjustments that will accelerate your results by making sure they finally poop easily, daily, smoothly.

And, are releasing a bunch of stored toxins instead of constantly reabsorbing them from their stagnant stools.

I am there to personally coach you through the process, meaning you aren't going to be alone with this.

Step 5 - Replenish

What causes 95% of common pediatric health concerns?


And that inflammation starts in the gut. But an inflamed gut can’t do what it’s supposed to do, which is absorb nutrients.

That's exactly why you cannot skip the step of replenishing.

Replenishing means that your child will be able to absorb MORE essential nutrients while magnifying all the results from your hard work.

If you are like most moms in my community, you want to make sure your child has all the nutrients they need to grow into a thriving adult.

This is why you are feeding them all those superfoods and expensive supplements. But if you don’t take them through the previous steps all those efforts only result in expensive poop and pee going down the drain.

This is why inside LITTLE Gut Reset l not only give you an easy formula of HOW to get to the point where they can actually absorb all those wonderful nutrients, but I actually teach you the most nutritious diet to make sure their body gets everything they need and more.

Instead of guessing whether to add multivitamins or not, I’ll share my essential supplement protocol with you, ensuring that we provide your child's body with the most beneficial supplements, administered in the correct combination and sequence, avoiding overloading their system.

Step 6 - Self-Healing

This actually is MY FAVORITE step. Because it’s the step where most of the work is done and you’ll get to lean back and enjoy what you’ve created - you’ve made your child’s body to an environment where self-healing can actually take place.

And I’m telling you this remarkable ability of our body to heal itself is often overlooked and underappreciated, especially in conventional medicine.

Your child’s body really is designed to be healthy and to heal itself. And you’ve made that possible.

But of course we are not just leaning back. I want you to finish strong!

That’s why at the end of LITTLE Gut Reset we'll work together to construct a comprehensive, long-term action plan for your family's health so that you are able to take everything you’ve achieved into the future with ease.

Reducing your worry and stress as you go through this vital step in the journey that too many moms skip, causing them to wonder why they can't maintain their results.

"I joined LITTLE Gut Reset for my daughter's autism, ADHD and related behavioral and mental issues. Mostly gone after the program. Dietary changes and figuring out what's causing gut issues really were key. When your child tells you "mom, I feel so happy lately", you know that you are onto something!"

Andi C. (Mom of 9 yo. Kayla)


Imagine a community of moms just like you, all committed to transforming their children’s health together. Imagine the support, the camaraderie, and the POWER that comes from surrounding yourself with moms who are so committed to their children’s health that they don't just talk about the results they want, but they invest in actually making it happen.

Within our LITTLE Gut Reset community we, very lovingly, hold each other accountable aimed at helping you stay on track.

"I want to really thank Bettina and all the moms in the community. The group setting and the support is really what made all the difference for me."

Dana T. (Mom of 8 yo. Tyler)


Information is cheap and information is everywhere. I don't have to tell you that LEARNING something and APPLYING it in your child’s journey aren't the same thing. 

That's why when you join LITTLE Gut Reset you'll get 8 weeks access to group (but personalized) coaching so you can get your questions answered and make real progress.

LITTLE Gut Reset is about so much more than what not to eat (although we do cover that). It's about group coaching and accountability to see you through the highs and lows of your mom's journey - those moments when you think you are a horrible mother and you're ready to give up — that's where I want to meet you so you can push through and heal your child.

"I  was so impressed at the amount of coaching that goes on in LITTLE Gut Reset. I was so nervous to spend the money, but the amount of information has been awesome. I was in other 'online coaching' programs and this is by far SO much better."

Christa M. (Mom of 4 yo. Emma)

"Bettina, you are an awesome coach, l've never felt more supported and heard in my entire life."

Jessika B. (Mom of 13 yo. Jason)

It's Time to transform your child's health! Just like these LITTLE Gut Reset members...

"When we joined the program, Smaranda's diet had become so restricted that she wouldn't eat any family meals and survived solely on white carbs, her emotional and behavioral symptoms worsening by the day. Even though I learned a lot about health and diet, I wasn't able to make long term, effective changes. Embarking on Little Gut Reset and now working 1:1 with Bettina was the best thing I've ever done for my family's health.  Bettina helped me to have a clear vision of my goal, a structured plan of action and lots of hope. With Bettina's guidance and support, along with the right supplements and herbal remedies, what seemed to be impossible suddenly became possible!"

MARIA Baluta (Mom of 11 yo. Smaranda)

"As a mom, I have found natural solutions for many of my daughter’s health issues over the years. However I was absolutely defeated by seasonal allergies. Living with congestion, a child that can't breathe at night and therefore not thriving like they have the potential to do. None of the homeopathic remedies seemed to help much and the over the counter meds leave you feeling tired and disconnected from your body. I joined LITTLE Gut Reset and I have to say, the program Bettina has put together is very easy to understand and is step-by-step that you can go at your own pace. Bettina is available to answer any questions you may have. Weekly zoom calls are also set up to encourage and support the process. I highly recommend working with Bettina. The knowledge, recipes, tools, natural remedies, blood test results, that you walk away with is priceless. Help is finally here. Let Bettina be your guide. You will not regret it."

Lee Ann Goldman (Mom of 7 yo. Raya)

"My 5 yo son has a rare genetic condition. His needs are multiple. I feel like we were doing different therapies but the underlying issues were not being addressed. Theres so much information out there on the internet that it can get very overwhelming. Bettina guided me in the right direction specific to my son’s needs. We were struggling with chronic constipation (even with daily Miralax). We have finally overcome that and to me that's a huge win. I see only positive changes in my son since we started working with Bettina. We are navigating through our next steps now.  I felt a personal support and it helped me with overall to better support my family in this journey. Thank you Bettina!"

Juhi YAdava (Mom of 5 yo. Arjun)


Here is what your child's next 8 weeks of healing could look like:

6 Steps Broken Into 6 Core Modules...

...So You can watch your child live up to their full potential WITHOUT feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

Decoding your child's health situation

When you understand WHY this is happening to your child, you see them for who they are.

Most overwhelmed moms make the mistake of spending hours and hours on google or youtube trying to figure out what’s going on with their child and how they can help. But they get confused by all the available information and by hopping from one thing to another they try too much, too short, too inconsistent without focus.

That's why your child’s transformation will start by following one method, with one focus…and that consistently, receive only the most necessary and essential information to understand what's happening with your child, avoiding overwhelm and respecting your time.

Inside Module 1, You'll...
  • Gain foundational skills to become your child's detective, uncovering the root causes of their health issues.
  • Unravel your child’s microbiome and make the connection to your child’s condition and symptoms.
  • Discover my unique process of uncovering your child’s symptom triggers and measuring your success at the same time.

IDENTIFYing the root cause

By now you’ve probably realized that food can be a MAJOR game changer for your child.

But not knowing for sure which foods trigger your child’s symptoms leaves you groping in the dark anxious which meal will trigger the next flare up.

In this module, we cover the science behind an elimination diet including a simple plug-and-play formula to choose potential trigger foods for elimination, finding replacements for them your child will actually love.

Inside Module 2, You'll discover...
  • How to confidently choose the foods you would like to eliminate for testing without second guessing yourself.

  • The 3 steps of an elimination diet which will make sure that you’ll actually go through with it beginning to end.
  • My unique process to get your child on board even if they are extremely picky eaters!

Removing the triggers

If you don't remove the triggers responsible for your child's symptoms every effort you are making to help them will just be like a drop in the ocean.

But not if you empty out that metaphorical bucket, you'll create room. The room, the right environment for self-healing to occur.

In this module, we'll finally start our journey of removing triggers one by one that are keeping your child stuck and I'll teach you how to bust through them and make them a thing of the past in no time. That means starting to see your kid's symptoms get better and making this the last time you'll have to deal with them.

Inside Module 3, You'll Discover...
  • The easiest way to completely remove the trigger foods you have chosen for testing without frustration or your child feeling like they don't have anything left to eat.

  • How to customize your child's personalized nutrition blueprint to support their gut health now and in the future.
  • The fastest way to get your child unstuck and actually start seeing your hard work pay off!

Releasing toxins for inner healing

The truth is, we live in a world full of toxins and kids are exposed to them every day, all day, unless we help them.

But their gut health issues and genetics might effect their detox pathways making them less efficient.

So in this module, I'll take you through a crucial step that is often overlooked to make sure your child's detox pathways are wide open and ready to reduce their toxic load. And if they aren't pooping a number 4 daily by now, in this step we'll make sure that they are.

Inside Module 4, You'll Discover...
  • My safe and easy Kiddy Detox Protocol to support your child's detox pathways in a fun delicious way.

  • How to actually gain valuable information from the elimination diet that is more accurate than a lab test. 
  • How to conclude the elimination diet after 2 to 3 weeks and how to ensure your child will be able to tolerate their trigger foods in the future.

Replenish to nourish and flourish

It's not just about what you take out of the body but also what you put back in! 

If you are like most parents I work with the vitamin isle at whole foods is your favorite place because you want to make sure your child gets all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

AND if you child is like most children I work with leafy green vegetables aren' their favorite food. Chances even are you like to refer to them as a "picky eater".

Considering that their leaky gut hasn't done a good job absorbing all those vitamins you've provided them with it's safe to say that they are experiencing nutritional deficiencies and filling those gaps is exactly what we'll focus on in this module now that we've gotten some good gut healing going.

Inside Module 5, You'll Discover...
  • How to fill your child's nutritional gaps with essential nutrients crucial for your their development and healing tailored to your their needs.

  • My essential supplement protocol ensuring that we provide your child's body with the most beneficial supplements, in the right combination, without overloading their system.
  • More strategies to help your child get over their "picky eating" habits so they eat what you make without complaining.

Empower your Child's Self-healing

Imagine if you could just lean back and watch your child get better by the day or stay well without their symptoms coming back.

We even have a name for that - it's called SELF-HEALING. It's the body taking over doing what it does best, heal itself. And you have made that possible!

So in this module, we not just celebrate your progress on your child's healing journey but we also make sure to equip you with the tools to maintain and deepen your results.

Inside Module 6, You'll Discover...
  • How you can empower your child's self-healing process by fostering resilience and teaching them to manage stress in a positive, healthy and productive way.

  • The easiest way to integrate your new life-style long-term without push back from other family members.
  • Finally, I'll equip you with powerful tools to continue to build and maintain your child's self-healing environment over the next year OR indefinitely.

By the end of these 6 modules you'll have completely transformed the way you think and take action in your child's healing journey. But most importantly you'll have made real and noticeable progress with their health and wellbeing.


Little Gut Reset is the ONLY Program You Need to:

  • Improve your child's gut health from top to bottom
  • Rebuild their gut lining to heal Leaky-Gut
  • Reset your child's microbiome to heal the gut
  • Remove the hidden stressors that keep your child's body from self-healing 
  • Reduce whole body inflammation
  • Remove food sensitivities to calm the immune system
  • Reset the immune system so it can focus on its actual job - fighting off viruses and bacteria
  • Address leaky-brain, leaky-lungs, leaky-skin and all the symptoms related to them
  • Support your child's detox pathways with my safe and easy KIDDY Detox protocol
  • Gain access to our favorite supplements and protocols that actually work 
  • End the day knowing that you actually made a difference in your child's health
  • Let go of your worries and anxiety overnight

MEET YOUR COACH, Bettina Gross

Hey, hey, hey!

I'm Bettina, and my goal is to help you help your child to overcome any health concerns they might be dealing with.

Inside LITTLE Gut Reset you gain access to my 6-Step HEAL! Method that I've personally used with my 1:1 coaching clients since 2018. I'm giving you EVERYTHING I've learned to be able to take your child from ailing to thriving, without the overwhelm or question marks you might be experiencing right now.

Got questions? Doubts? Uncertainties? Something - anything - not making sense?

Not clear on how to get your child out of that viscious cycle they seem the be stuck in? Or whether you're moving in the right direction?


Is LITTLE Gut Reset Right for you?

Here is how to know if you are ready to REVERSE your child's health problems:

You're just getting started on your child's holistic healing journey, and you want to do it the right way with protocols that are science-based and actually work.

You're overwhelmed by all the information, don't know where to start and quite frankly just want a proven system to follow with the support to carry you through the challenges.

Your child is already eating well, and taking supplements, but you're not seeing the progress that you expected. You've plateaued and you want solutions that last.

You've been working on your child's health for a while, and are committed to releasing your child's chronic symptoms through deep work.

You're ready to see some REAL progress with your child's health and want to amplify their divine spark.

You know that no one's going to do this for you. You're in the driver's seat, and you're the one that decides how good your child is getting to have it.

Ok, how much is my investment?

LITTLE Gut Reset may not be cheap but it shows you how to get the results you desire for your child. It’s not some $15-a-month membership program or a $27 meal plan.

It’s a small investment in your child that pays huge dividends in their future.

An investment that will reward them for a lifetime. Allowing them to grow and thrive into the amazing adult they are meant to be.

It’s a transformation that frees you from worries and anxiety about your child’s future and lets you step into a place of control and empowerment in your life.

It’s EXACTLY what I teach in my $1,000/month private coaching, but for a fraction of the cost for you.

And when you weigh all that against the investment and what it will do for your child and your future, it’s an easy choice.

And because I’m committed to making LITTLE Gut Reset as accessible as possible, so as many dedicated moms who want the best for their child can use it, to make their dreams of their child’s future health a realty…

LITTLE Gut Reset is usually just $997.

However, because you are reading this during my awareness creating campaign, I’ve decided to take $500 OFF, for my Masterclass-Only investment of just $497!

That’s right! Until next Monday at 11:59pm, you can join us inside LITTLE Gut Reset for just $497 today!


Getting Started With Your Child's Health Transformation Is As Easy As 1...2...3!

"I joined LITTLE Gut Reset in November last year to work on my son's eczema and seasonal allergies. He’s had them ever since he was 1 month old. I thought that we already had a healthy diet - low in gluten, dairy and other trigger foods I knew of. But Bettina took us to a whole other level and it made ALL the difference. For the first time in 7 years my son’s skin is eczema-free and the wonderful allergy protocol that Bettina recommended, we didn’t even have to use because his seasonal allergy symptoms never showed!"

Shaena C. (Mom of 7 yo. Trip)


I am so confident in the effectiveness of LITTLE Gut Reset that I am willing to give you your money back if it doesn't work for your child.

60 Days to GET RESULTS

money back


60 day guarantee

Enroll With Confidence...It's Risk Free!

I'm so sure that LITTLE Gut Reset will have a noticeable impact on your child's health, that I'm willing to give you your money back if it doesn't work for your child.

If you reach out after the 8 week duration of LITTLE Gut Reset to show me that you've kept up with the program (you have to show me proof!), and for some reason STILL haven't seen any progress, then I'll be happy to return your investment in full.

If you fully implement the 6 Step HEAL! Method, complete the PDF guides, show up for the weekly Coaching and Q&A calls, and participate in the Slack community - and you STILL don't get a result in 60 days-

I'll give you your money back and remove your course access!

That's how much I believe in this process and the program I created. If you are ready to show up and do the work, I know LITTLE Gut Reset can get you to your goals.

(Why do I ask for your completed work? Because the program can’t be expected to bring results if you haven’t put in the work – so there’s no refund for non-­participation!)

I have some extra special 


The 6 core modules of LITTLE Gut Reset will completely transform how you approach your child's healing journey. But that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Because as a LITTLE Gut Reset member you also get 3 extra special BONUSES to make your journey even easier.

Bonus #1

KIDs Food Freedom Meal Plans

($197 Value)

This 4-week adaptable meal plan with 80+ recipes will help you safe time and make sure you'll always know what to feed your child  with meals they actually like by giving you…

  • Clarity on which foods to excluding to remove common triggers responsible for food sensitivities and related symptoms.
  • You will always know what to feed your child for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack-time.
  • It gives you all the recipes you need to provide your child with a clean, balanced, kids friendly diet. (gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free)
  • A shopping list and my meal prep tips will make sure you are not spending those 4 weeks tied to the kitchen!
  • AND most importantly, you'll watch your child get better by the day!

Bonus #2

8 Week Access to our Private Community Forum ($ 297 Value)

Connect and engage with other moms who are going through this process together while receiving...

  • 24/7 Personalized Coaching from Bettina to get your most burning questions and challenges addressed between the weekly coaching calls.
  • Support and Encouragement by other members, creating a sense of not being alone or "the only one" on this journey.
  • Accountability to your vision and goals by regularly checking in with others and sharing your wins and progress.
  • Immediate Feedback and Advice on your specific situations, helping you to make informed decisions more quickly.
  • Shared Knowledge and Resources by exchanging valuable information, tips and insights with other members.

Bonus #3

LIVE Picky-Eating Masterclass

($ 197 Value)

"I don't like that, it's GREEN" or "I don't want that yucky stuff".

These are two phrases heard so many times at the dinner table. So, whether you are making multiple meals for your family or are struggling with picky eating at home, I know this masterclass will be very helpful to you.

  • How to get kids to eat fruit and veggies when all they want is bread and pasta.
  • How to deal with texture, color and inexplicable food preferences.
  • How you can stop mealtime battles at the table without yelling, bribing or threatening.
  • Discover non-food related root causes of picky eating and how they make food completely unappetizing for kids.
  • Finally I'll share with you my secret to stopping short-order cooking!


When you join LITTLE Gut Reset you get instant access to the 6 LGR core modules - videos and resources that melt away your child's symptoms, paving the way for them to thrive and achieve vibrant health and wellbeing (Value: $747).

  • PLUS 4 x Interactive LIVE Group Coaching Sessions to answer your questions, clear up doubts and keep you motivated and on track. (Value: $1,097)
  • My Proven & Effective Elimination Diet Process and Step-By-Step Execution Guides. (Value: $297)
  • BONUS #1: 4-week adaptable KIDs Food Freedom Mealplans with 80+ recipes. (Value: $197)
  • BONUS #2: 8 week 24/7 coaching in a private community forum (Value: $297)
  • BONUS #3: A LIVE ticket to my exclusive Picky-Eating Masterclass (Value: $197)

That makes everything you are getting well worth over $2,000!

( $2,832 to be exact)

Stop groping in the dark being overwhelmed by all you could do. Start long-lasting Healing with LITTLE Gut Reset!

Just $497 instead of $997 !

So Now It's Time for You to Make One of Two Choices...

The first choice is to choose to do nothing. And as you already know, if you choose nothing... then nothing changes.

BUT, if you already know that you want to resolve your child’s health problems holistically and create long-lasting healing for them, then your choice is obvious: join us inside LITTLE Gut Reset and start your child’s transformation to becoming the healthy, happy and thriving little human you know they were meant to be.

Simply click the button below and I will be waiting for you inside!

But if you're still on the fence, wondering whether to take the leap, let me share one last thought with you, maybe you're thinking…

"It all sounds great, but I just don't have the money, energy, or time right now"

...then you're not making the choice at all. You're letting your circumstances make your choices for you. And as you know by now, that's not how true change happens.

You see, our "circumstances" are mostly in our heads. They're "time and money" excuses we make because we're not willing to step up and play a bigger game.

Motherly love and determination don't care about your circumstance.

A mother’s love always finds a way. A mother’s determination always plays a way bigger game.

That's what MOM-Healers understand. And now, so do you.


"We have been in the program since March and it has been life changing! We have our girl back and she is improving weekly. Bettina Gross saved us. This is after 3 years of conventional medicine doctors and homeopathy with no results."

Victoria B. (Mom of 8 yo. Olivia)


"I never thought that gut issues played a part in my son's condition since he didn’t have any digestive signs but boy was I wrong. We’ve been in the program and gluten/dairy/soy free since January and my high energy, loud, anxious, OCD child is finally able to just let his body relax."

Isabel W. (Mom of 11 yo. CAmden)

In case there is anything I missed, here are some commonly asked questions!

Have a pressing question you need answered before enrolling in LITTLE Gut Reset?

Below is a list of the most common questions I've been asked. If for some odd reason you don't see your question, just reach out to my support at help@bettinagrosshealing.com so we can assist you. Cool?

What makes members who have participated in the program, and the testimonials I have seen so successful?

I set out to create a step-by-step system that will help you cause a BREAKTHROUGH in your child’s healing journey. I don’t just teach you what to do, I’ll guide you through the process step-by-step considering your own speed and your unique challenges. So you’re going to get to experience real healing for your child too.

When will I get access to all the materials after my enrollment in the program? What is the start date?

You’ll have immediate access to the Private Member's Area which houses the LITTLE Gut Reset content as soon as we have processed your enrollment (usually within a few hours). Inside you can immediately get started with your On-Boarding module so that you don't have to wait for a "start date" for your child’s transformation.

When will the coaching calls take place? What if I can't participate at that time?

Coaching calls are scheduled bi-weekly for Friday, 9am PT / 12pm ET. If enough members are unable to make that time, I'll consider setting up a second call at a different time that suits everyone.

All coaching calls are recorded and uploaded to the members area. If you can't join us for a call, you can post your questions in the community forum, and I'll address them during the coaching call.

Coaching call schedules for LITTLE Gut Reset PLUS allow more flexibility according to Bettina's and the coachee's availability and will be scheduled after enrollment.

What if I'm busy and don't have time to follow the program week after week?

Yes! You're a busy mom, so I created this high-yield program to be taken in chunks at your own convenience. You can listen to the content in the car, or when you are doing the dishes.

That means that if you want to start a few months from now, you can! And you'll lock in the current price.

You can log in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for as long as you wish, well beyond the 8 weeks. You will also get any and all updates to the program free of charge for life.

How long is the program?

You have lifetime access to the LITTLE Gut Reset content which means you get to self-pace your learning. You can go as fast or as slow as you would like depending on how busy you are or what you have going on.

In addition, I include 8 weeks of access to a private community forum (NOT Facebook) for individualized coaching as well as LIVE group coaching calls.

Does this include 1:1 coaching?

Inside LITTLE Gut Reset you have 24/7 access to a private community forum to ask Bettina any and every question you have about your child’s unique journey. Just learning content isn't enough, and in LITTLE Gut Reset you will never have to try to figure out how to apply the content you are learning to your own journey on your own.

And because all the individualized coaching is done via group coaching calls and in our private community forum, you will not only be able to receive personalized coaching for your questions but also will receive incredible value from the questions and coaching of other members of the group.

That’s why being part of a group is so amazing!

What if I want to join LITTLE Gut Reset but I only want 1:1 coaching?

I accept VERY few private coaching clients because most of my time and energy are spent pouring into the results of the moms who join LITTLE Gut Reset. If you are interested in private coaching with me, the cost is $4,997 for 12 weeks, and you can send an email to help@bettinagrosshealing.com to find out if you are a good fit.

If you are a good fit, I've created an option just for you called LITTLE Gut Rest PLUS. It's our VIP option that allows you to get everything inside LITTLE Gut Reset paired with 12 week 1:1 coaching with me. It includes 24/7 access to me as well as weekly email check-ins and food sensitivity lab testing.

This is a limited offer and there are very few spots available, so if private coaching is important to you, be sure to snag your spot before LITTLE Gut Reset PLUS sells out.

How involved will you be as the program leader?

I am a very hands-on coach inside of LITTLE Gut Reset. In addition to delivering all the program material to you I host 8 Group Coaching Calls where you can get coached LIVE and I give daily support and coaching in the LITTLE Gut Reset community forum.

The community will also be there for you 24/7 since we have members all over the globe in many time zones. 

Can I DM or email you if I need more help in the program?

No, I do all of my coaching and question answering on our calls and inside the community forum. This allows all program clients to receive value from the coaching and responses I give to questions.

However, you do have the option inside the community forum to have a private conversations with me if you enroll in LITTLE Gut Reset PLUS.

The investment is a stretch for me right now. Can you give me a discount?

If this investment is the difference between you eating or being able to pay rent, I would advise you NOT to join this program. Use that money for your daily expenses.

The mom that should join is the one that understands the value of investing in her child’s health, in putting her child and herself first, but is not putting herself in financial hardship. I know the program has a lifetime value of over 10X the cost, but no way l'm setting the price there.

I thrive off of accountability - do you provide that in LITTLE Gut Reset?

Yes! I know that some ladies are much more motivated when they check in with someone else regularly so inside LITTLE Gut Reset you’ll get to check in with me weekly on our coaching calls but you’ll also get to know other moms who are on the same journey and can provide encouragement and perspective, and who can celebrate with you as you succeed.

Who is the perfect client for this program?

The perfect client is a mom who is looking to solve her child’s health concerns or symptoms naturally. She is tired of feeling stuck with everything she has tried already to support her child and is ready to take ACTION in order to get a different result. Those who are open, coachable, and are ready to do the work will thrive inside LITTLE Gut Reset.

How many hours will I need to invest each week?

Consuming the content within 1 module will take you 1 to 1 ½  hours per week depending on the module. How much time you need to implement depends on how much time you are already investing in providing your family with home cooked meals.

If you are already preparing most meals from scratch, you won’t have to invest much additional time. For you it’s just going to be about tracking and swapping out some foods and ingredients.

If your family mostly eats out or eats processed, packaged foods you’ll have to give these life-style changes at least 1 hour a day to start preparing more home cooked meals for your family.

If you can commit to that I guarantee, I can give you the steps to drastically reduce or fully eliminate your child’s symptoms. I'm so serious about this that I created an exclusive BONUS "KIDs Food Freedom Meal Plans" where I give you 80+ kids friendly, delicious recipes which go perfectly with what you'll learn in the program, planned out for you over 4 weeks, shopping lists included.

Will it be worth it?

That depends on how you value your child’s health and happiness and whether you take action on what you learn in the program. How much would you pay to change your child’s life? What's it worth to you to pass on a healthy relationship with food to your children? How much would you pay for your own peace of mind?

Can you guarantee my results?

My role is to support and assist you in reaching your goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. I KNOW if you take action and follow the steps I outline inside LITTLE Gut Reset your success is inevitable, and I have a 60-day Money Back Guarantee to back it up.

When will LITTLE Gut Reset re-open?

I've spent so much time figuring out how to provide maximal value for the members NOW, that I haven't figured out when we'll open the doors next. This will for sure be the last chance to join in 2024.

Stop groping in the dark being overwhelmed by all you could do. Start long-lasting Healing with LITTLE Gut Reset!

Just $497 instead of $997 !

What's holding you back?

I'm going to ask you a question - and I want you to be honest with yourself.

If you knew for certain that figuring out your child’s trigger foods would absolutely help your child get over their health problems, how much time would you be willing to allot to it each day?

Seriously, before you read any further, think about your personal answer to that question.

When I posed that question to my Facebook followers I expectedly got a range of responses, but every single answer was more than 60 minutes.

Meaning most people are willing to spend at least 60 minutes a day if they knew that time would yield the results they were looking to achieve with their children.

Knowing this, I created KIDs Food Freedom Meal Plans BONUS.

Because here's the truth - you 100% can successfully change your child’s diet by preparing all their meals from scratch in just 60 minutes a day, and I can show you exactly how.

60 minutes a day - and that is just if your family is mostly eating out or eats processed, packaged foods.

If you are already home cooking most of their meals you are already spending that time and there won’t be any extra time investment. It may take you a little longer at the beginning to swap out some foods and ingredients. But that’s it.

If you are feeling overwhelmed because you can't imagine fitting one more thing on to your already very full plate, I hear you!

If you can invest 60 minutes MAX a day, you can be successful and finally get rid of your child’s symptoms for good.

Guess what: 80% of the kids I work with are picky eaters when we get started and that’s NOT a coincidence. Because with picky eating it’s rarely about the food! And yet, the main concern of parents seems to be what food can I fix that my child will eat.

When a child is  labeled a picky eater it usually comes down to the 5 P’s:

  • PAIN

Palate meaning that they physically have a hard time chewing and swallowing. If that’s the case for your child you are most likely already taking them to physical therapy for that.

Pain means that they are associating food with pain because it’s causing them pain or discomfort they might not be able to communicate. A constipated child with reflux, stomach pain and belly aches doesn’t like to eat.

When we eat we use all our senses. So any sensory processing difficulties generally affect eating. Your child doesn’t eat what’s too crunchy, too mushy, too soft, too hard, too hot, too cold, too green? Well, then that's what’s probably going on here.

Pressuring or bribing your child to eat when their body tells them to stop we break something. Our Job as parents is to create boundaries within which kids can make choices. We serve the meal, they choose how much they eat.

So, remember, giving our kids too much power over what to eat by giving them continuous access to snacks or preparing 5 different meals for each family member doesn’t serve you and it sure doesn’t serve them.

So my friend. No guilt, no shame but also STOP IT.

Short order cooking does not serve anyone. Kids feel safer when they have appropriate boundaries and choices.

But what can you do about it?

Be a detective about palate, pain and processing and find out their root causes. That’s exactly what LITTLE Gut Reset helps you do.

For Pressure and Power, my LIVE Picky Eating Masterclass BONUS will help you immensely to reduce stress and arguing around the dinner table.

Supporting you with all of the above is also part of our weekly LIVE calls and I have some powerful tools up my sleeve which will be a game changer, I promise.

I love a confident woman! More power to you - and I really hope that you succeed. I want your child to be healthy, free of bothersome symptoms, not missing out, living a happy childhood as much as you do, no matter if it’s through my program or not because there is nothing like knowing your child is safe.

However, the coach in me does have to ask you an important question: don't you think if you could do it on your own, you would have already?

Some people refuse to get help because they are convinced they should be able to do this on their own - yet their children are stuck in a vicious cycle of getting better then worse again months after months.

If you're like many moms I work with, you think constantly about the things you want to do -- "I want to try this new remedy," or "I want to listen to this health experts podcast," or "I want to try this new diet with my child to rule out food triggers," - but then you never take the next step to actually DO them. Like most, you just keep wishing and things just keep staying the same.

Then, when you come across a program that can actually take those wishes and make it a reality, you use all of your energy to convince yourself not to join. #gettinginyourownway

If you are like most of the moms I work with, you keep repeating the lie that you can save the money and just do it on your own. Is that you right now?

Let me put it this way: If nothing has changed by now, where do you think you'll be in 6 months if you keep holding onto the belief that you can do it yourself?

How much longer are you willing to delay your child’s health and happiness?

And if I'm being brutally honest, if you aren't moving actively towards your child’s health goals, you're passively moving away from them which means you are going to continue to spin your wheels in frustration at the expense of your own health, happiness and desires.

You have to ask yourself: what is it costing YOU (and your child) to NOT take care of this once and for all? And don’t just think about the money…

If you want to start creating those results you haven't been able to create so far you have to do something different. What got you here, won't get you there, my friend.

LITTLE Gut Reset can take your wishes and turn them into reality, but only if you take that next step and start!


Look, you can certainly try and do this on your own, but remember you don't know what you don't know. It took me years to piece all of this together because I didn't have a proven roadmap to follow.

You have two choices:

Choice #1: Keep doing what you're doing, and get the same results you're getting.

Choice #2: Take a fastpass to get the results you've been looking for (most likely in all the wrong places). These are the exact steps that have worked for me and the hundreds of families who have invested in my programs.

The choice is yours.

There's nothing I'd love more than to cheer you on and welcome you inside of LITTLE Gut Reset.

Sound good? Let's get started.


