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Please follow the steps below to get started right away.

Join the Breakthrough Facebook Group
>>> Click hereto join the #Holistically Heal Your Child FB Group! Where empowered, dedicated and health conscious moms determined to make an IMPACT by HEALING their child are gathering together for MAJOR breakthroughs as we kick off the 4 days training series.

Get Scheduled and Start with the Basics
We start the series on Monday, January 9th. To give you a head start, start by taking your child's Body Balance Assessment. You will learn if your child's body is out of balance and how severe those imbalances, responsible for your child's state of health are, by determining your child's Balance Archetype. You will find the link in your welcome email in your inbox that will arrive in the next 5 minutes (be sure to check your spam filter and follow the instructions below so you don't miss any of your other free goodies).

Safelist My Email
Whitelist and prioritize all emails from me, Bettina Gross from help@bettinagrosshealing.com. This is important. Not only will you receive the training details, but you will also receive additional valuable resources, tips and tricks. But if my emails aren't getting through to you, you'll miss out on these and you won't receive the full benefit of being an Empowered Mom. Healthy Child. subscriber.
So please take the following simple actions to make sure nothing slips through the cracks:
1) Follow the safelisting instructions for your email provider at this page: https://www.whatcounts.com/resources/checklists/how-to-safelist-emails/
2) If you are a Gmail user or you use any other web-based emails that filters broadcasts away from your main inbox, be sure to "drag" any emails from "Bettina Gross" into your Priority Inbox. (Again, you don't want to miss something).
Copyright 2023 Bettina Gross, all rights reserved.